The Family Database |
 | Introduction A few things you should know |
The Family Tree
<<Start here!
Victor and Anna Carlson,
Annie and Onno Rodewald,
Eric and Pearl Carlson, Family List, and more |
 | Photographs
Organized by collection,
name, and
year |
 | Newspaper Articles
family news, and more |
 | Postcards and Letters Translated from Swedish |
 | Family Documents Marriage licenses, naturalization papers, etc. |
 | Stories Stories about family members |
 | Recollections What I remember about being a kid |
 | Vacation! Trips around the country |
 | 1986 Rodewald Reunion Video |
 | Sources Supporting data for the family tree: birth and death indexes, church records, etc |
 | Disclaimer This genealogical information is always being revised and is not necessarily accurate. As with any other information found on the Internet, or published in family histories, genealogies, etc., it is up to you to verify the accuracy of any information you choose to use in your own genealogy work. |